Rachael in GSO

Just a blog about my life, my knitting, my dogs, and my general state of confusion.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

TKGA & some assorted thoughts

okay folks, I've done it. I signed up for the Master Knitter Program. I'm not sure why - I do want to improve my knitting - and since I'm going to teach a class in the spring semester at a local CC - I do want to make sure I'm doing things right, but it really makes me wonder why I need somebody else to tell me if what I"m doing is right.

I finished my master's in educational admin two years ago - am I really hankering that much to be back in school that I'm fulfilling that with a course in knitting? I really detest being in school - all the time, all the papers, all the WORK. All the lack of fun, the deadlines, the taking over of your personal life - I hate it.

Maybe I've just never studied the right thing...so knitting it is.

And random - does anybody get Vogue Knitting? Why did I see the holiday edition in Borders yesterday but haven't gotten mine in the mail yet? Totally unfair.

I just spent an hour attacking the morning glory vine that tried to eat our house via the front porch stairs. It's my fault - I put it there - but who knew that in NC that was a VERY BAD IDEA? probably a lot of people - but not me! So it spent the summer slowly creeping up the railing and I thought it was sweet and innocent for a while, and by the time I realized that it was obviously saying 'FEED ME SEYMOUR' - it was too far along to easily dissuade it.

So a lovely October day in the mid-70's (I'm still not used to the weather here) and a half day off from work b/c of a conference - and I did it! I have conquered it! At least temporarily - now I just have to watch for babies & nip 'em before they can repeat the performance.


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