SP Contest #1
Hmmmmm…lots of good questions!
My favorite…
Actor: Kevin Spacey or Ed Norton or Allan Rickman
Actress: Dame Judi Dench - hmf no other women I can think of.
Animal: Outside of my adorable dogs? The Tiger – graceful, fierce and so beautiful.
Band: My favorite kind of music is Jazz Standards – so there's really no band associated with it. I do like Good Charlotte – but I haven't heard any of their recent stuff.
Beverage: Chocolate Martini!! If we're going non-alcoholic – coke.
Book: I love books of all kind – my favorite ever? That goes back to my teenage years – The Three Musketeers or The Scarlet Pimpernel - what's better than a swashbuckling hero?
Bubblebath: ? personally – I don't really like baths – they are too hot and make me feel like I am both suffocating and wasting time at the same time. BUT http://www.lush.come/ has some lovely bath bombs.
Candy: Kitkat
Color: bright red, brick red, cranberry red, and maybe that hot pinkish-red.
Flower: Blue hydrangeas – but in the spring nothing says 'happy' like tulips.
Food: I have to pick ONE? That's hard. I love all sorts of food, I love to cook – I tend to lean towards Italian food. And seriously there's not much better than homemade bolognese sauce with a loaf of fresh italion boule to go with it...
Lipbalm: Burt's Bees! (by default, I'm allergic to everything else - but it's still the best)
Lotion: the Bigelow line at Bath & Body works is pretty good, but if I had all the money in the world - Lemon Sugar body lotion by Fresh.
Movie: seriously – it's so hard to pick just one. The Princess Bride, The Usual Suspects, Gladiator, Snatch, Fight Club and in general good and not-so-good sci-fi adventure flicks.
Song: I hope you dance - b/c that song helped me make a decision to move to a strange city when I was wavering b/c of the line 'I hope you never take the path of least resistance' - and then later my DH proposed to me to that song by asking "Will you dance with me?" OH IT WAS JUST TOO SWEET. When I'm having a hard time with a decision or b/c of stress or just need to remember something about who I am I listen to that song.
TV Show: Right now – Lost (but I'm netflixing the second season – so no spoilers!), Dancing with the Stars, Deadwood, Carnivale, Entourage and Project Runway. OH! don't forget Extras.
Vacation spot: PARIS. (it wasn't hard to pick just one for this)
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